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Balance Tonic


4.9/5.0 500,000+ Customers

It’s Time To Regain Your Inner Balance.

Supports happy hormones

500mg KSM-66® Ashwagandha per serving

With Shatavari & Hibiscus to support female health

Your daily superfood blend to support female health.


Save up to 40% on your first order


4.9 Stars

‘Finally found a product which supports women's health and makes a lovely tasting drink. It's early days yet but for the first month my pms feels a lot more level than before so I'm definitely relieved. I mix it with orange cordial and ice and it's perfect.’

Kim, Verified Customer

‘I've been taking this daily for about a month now and I feel so much better in myself. I feel like it's given me a spring in my step and much more energy. I didn't suffer with my usual PMS symptoms this moth either, I'm hoping that this is the reason why. I'm going to keep going with it, it's really helping me!’

Charlotte, Verified Customer

‘I’m 62 years and have been taking Balance Tonic for about 3 weeks now . Have started to notice subtle changes in my moods and night sweats seem a little less intense . So look forward to further improvement as I continue to take it.’

Tina, Verified Customer

from 500,000+ Customers

Don’t Just Take Our Word For It. 

‘I think it’s great to start out every morning with a healthy habit, and for me that has been drinking Balance Tonic! It takes me a minute to prepare every morning, which is crazy considering the amount of benefits it delivers.’

Kate McReynolds


Feel Good, Period.

Support female hormonal balance with Hibiscus, Shatavari & KSM-66 Ashwagandha.

Into smoothies & shakes


Over yogurt or healthy recipes


With still or sparkling water


Your New Daily Tonic

Your hormones may go up and down in a cycle, but your health and happiness shouldn’t have to.

Balance Tonic helps to restore inner female balance to nurture better health and happy hormones from within.

We’ve added some of the best natural adaptogens for female health. KSM-66® Ashwagandha, Shatavari & Maca, with organic Wild Blueberry, Hibiscus and Baobab, inner zen is just a sip away with a daily Balance Tonic.


What’s Inside

Certified USDA Organic & 100% Gluten Free


See Why 500,000+ Customers Love Rheal.  

'I have been taking Balance Tonic for just over a month and feel much better. For over six years I endured the debilitating affects of hot flushes but now I once again have energy and feel comfortable in my own skin. I have fewer hot flushes and can sleep better. I was surprised but pleased to find that Balance Tonic restored my well-being so quickly. I am profoundly grateful to Rheal for creating this amazing product.’

Christine, Verified Customer ✅

'Balance Tonic has become a regular part of my morning routine. By adding it to my porridge or drinks each emorning, I have found a real notion of calm & balance in these colder months. So if it’s harmony what you’re looking for, this might just be your answer!’

Lydia, Verified Customer ✅

‘I'd had been suffering mentally with mood imbalance for some time and just 5 days after having the Balance Tonic every morning I felt a substantial shift and started feeling myself again for the first time in a long time. I now swear by this magic powder and it’s an integral part of my morning routine. I refer to it as my great day juice because drinking it every day ensures just that!’

Jacqueline, Verified Customer ✅

Our Story

Charlotte had been fit & healthy all her life, until she suddenly began losing weight and suffering with severe fatigue. After many tests, she was eventually diagnosed with Celiac Disease – an autoimmune condition which can only be managed by following a strict gluten-free diet for life.

A few years later, Charlotte & Sean met at university and Sean began to realize just how much Charlotte’s poor health was really restricting her ability to live a normal life. They both decided to take matters into their own hands and look for more natural ways to help… leading them to superfoods!

After just a few weeks of experimenting with different ingredients, they both felt a huge difference in their energy & digestion. Inspired to share their story & help more people feel healthier, Rheal was born.


We'll do good for you, and the planet too.

As a certified B Corp, this means that every decision and step we make as a business, carefully considers the impact we will have on the planet, our communities, our wildlife & eco-systems. And with every order, we will also plant a tree on your behalf with our charity partner, Ecologi.

So far, we’ve planted over 500,000+ trees worldwide, to support areas affected by deforestation.

Rheal truly is a force for good.

We'll do good for you, and the planet too.

As a certified B Corp, this means that every decision and step we make as a business, carefully considers the impact we will have on the planet, our communities, our wildlife & eco-systems. And with every order, we will also plant a tree on your behalf with our charity partner, Ecologi.

So far, we’ve planted over 500,000+ trees worldwide, to support areas affected by deforestation.

Rheal truly is a force for good.

Quality Assurance

Our products are of the highest quality - something which makes Rheal special. Balance Tonic is certified USDA Organic, is 100% plant-based and gluten free. Just the best superfoods to support female health.


We’ve got the answers for your questions right here

We recommend to have a serving of Balance Tonic once a day, every day. One serving is 5g, which should measure as 1 teaspoon.

Feeling healthier and more balanced is all about making small, manageable changes to your diet and lifestyle over-time. Balance Tonic is not an overnight fix, you need to want to make a change and stay committed to your daily serving. Incorporating Balance Tonic into your every day is a great way to start making positive changes to your female health & mood. By months 2-3, you will start to notice much more of a difference; especially with your energy and overall wellness.

We recommend to have your daily serving mixed into a glass of water. Alternatively, our customers love adding it to their smoothies, yoghurt, overnight oats and lots of healthy recipes!

All of our superfood blends are certified organic and contain only the highest quality of natural ingredients. However, we would always recommend that you speak with your doctor or midwife if you are pregnant or breastfeeding - in case there are any specific reasons why you should not consume our products or certain ingredients.

Privacy Policy | Terms & Conditions | @ 2023 Rheal Superfoods 

Customer Support

Have a question? Ask me! 

‘Balance Tonic uses adaptogenic ingredients to help you balance from within. It helps to reduce PMS, reduce stress, improve your mood, boost energy & improve sleep. If you’ve just got off the pill and its become your personality… this is for you!’ 


Alyssa Brieloff

‘The startup creating premium superfood blends to improve your health.’

‘I think that superfoods are the future.’
Tej Lalvani

‘Help boost your all-round wellness.’

’Rising stars of the North East of England.’

Regain Your Inner Balance.

Your daily superfood blend to support female health.


Save up to 40% on your first order

✔️ 30 Day Money Back Guarantee


Balance Tonic


4.9/5.0 500,000+ Customers

Organic: Blueberry, Hibiscus, Baobab, KSM-66® Ashwagandha Root, Shatavari Root, Maca Root.

Key Benefits

To having your daily Balance Tonic

Key benefits slider

See why 500,000+ Customers Love Rheal.

Further Reviews

4.9 Stars

from 500,000+ Customers

Support Your Female Health Today!

Discounts are automatically applied at checkout (if valid).


Give Balance Tonic a try and start your journey to feeling more balanced.



$1.16 per day

30 servings to try Balance Tonic

Start supporting your female health 


Be consistent and have Balance Tonic for a full 90 days to really feel your best.

$105.00 $78.75


Free Shipping


$0.87 per day

90 servings to support you for 3 months 

Support your cycle & hormones 

Feel more balanced 


Stay committed to your Balance Tonic and have your daily serving for a full 60 days.

$70.00 $59.50


Free Shipping

$0.99 per day

60 servings to support you for 2 months 

Support your cycle

Start to feel more balanced


Be committed to feeling your best every cycle, with a supply of Balance Tonic for 6 months.

$210.00 $126.00


Free Shipping


$0.70 per day

180 servings to support you for 3 months

Experience calmer cycles & hormones

Feeling more balanced & sleeping better